Booking directly on our website, the best rates available.
Direct bookings and hidden charges or intermediaries.
Photos - Caminata Submarina
Die Erfahrung beinhaltet:
No incluye Transporte.
Induccion de 10 minutos.
Llegada al lugar de la actividad.
realizacion de la actividad.
Edad minima 12 años
Capacidad maxima: 6 personas al mismo tiempo
Innovatur, is subject to the legal responsibility law established in Colombia through Law 300 of 1996 and the Articles 1075 of 1997. It is equally committed to complying with : articles 16 and 17 of the Law 679 of 2001 that establishes the protection of minors (population under legal age in Colombia) against exploitation and sexual violence; The Law 17 of 1981 related to the protection of flora and fauna; The Law 103 of 1931 by which conservation of arqueological monuments and / or cultural patrimony is fomented; Abiding by the requirements of Article 4000 of 2004 which refers to Control of Foreigners. The Antitabaco Law 1335 of 2009; with the non discrimination and exclution of vulnerable population and special demands for the protection of personal data of minors (people under legal age in Colombia) and adults that provide their personal information that are included in our data base, for tourism and other purposes, preserving their protection, conservation and guaranteeing its safe and responsible use, procuring to protect the right to privacy and protection of personal data and all those who give us their information through our hotel registers, as well as our web page, before and after required terms of Articles and Law. We invite you to become a part of our environmental commitment to efficiently use water and energy, as well as the integrated management of solid waste and our commitment to reduce, reuse and recycle. PRINT ONLY IF NECESSARY. IF POSSIBLE, PLEASE USE RECYCLED PAPER. HELP US PROTECT THE PLANET.